WG Education and Health
The WG Education and Health had as its principle the collective construction of knowledge through Community Monitoring, respecting the education processes, in order to identify vulnerable practices, weaknesses and damage caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. The target audience were teachers and directors of the Xakriabá Indigenous Schools, indigenous Health Agents, indigenous Sanitary Agents, young indigenous researchers and students interested in community education and health actions. Online activities were developed from February to May 2021. Such activities followed the following themes: 1) Origin of the Pandemic; 2) Local spatialisation of the pandemic; 3) Health and population; 4) Education and Health. Care was a transversal theme that permeated all the work. The mediating team, composed of professors and students from the UFMG/IFNMG research group, offered materials to support the discussions according to the themes proposed in asynchronous moments. The synchronous moments took place on days previously scheduled with the group, through Google Meet. In these, discussions were systematised and presented for appropriatio
During the work the participants produced texts, audio and graphics with the data collected from the local health system. The graphs, for example, were placed in maps developed by the Workshop of Maps' Production. During the discussions, several issues emerged and were discussed in depth, such as vaccination, the impact of fake news, and the use of traditional medicine in the pandemic context. The risks of collective activities were also discussed and a specific risk scale for the local reality was developed (Image on the side). Within the Education and Health theme, discussions were raised about how the pandemic affected schools, school life and health; and about the actions of the school in the community, as a multiplier of qualified information.

Finally, the general experience of the WG was systematized and presented to the participants, among others, through a short video with text prepared by the IFNMG student Tainara Lopes (link below). In addition to this first video, a board game on risk classification, a booklet and other videos are being produced that should consolidate all the work developed and support local education and communication actions. Community organization, a striking aspect of struggle and resistance in the Xakriabá indigenous population, as well as care for the land, body and mind, were essential in the development of this WG. Without the collective effort to accumulate strategies and tools that can support the dynamics of the villages, given the confrontations with this time of pandemic, the joint construction of knowledge would be meaningless. The expectation is that the working group participants ( teachers, indigenous health agents, students) armed with the final products are prepared to develop their activities effectively and efficiently, contributing to the leaders in the discussions for decision-making that involve the themes worked.
Access the work experience video here (in Portuguese).