Here we would like to introduce you to the different communities in which we work
in Pará and Minas Gerais
In Pará we work in the following communities:
Indigenous students from the Federal University that live in the informal neighbourhood of Guamá
The Quilombola Community Abacatal in the rural area of the municipality of Ananindeua, in the Metropolitan Region of Belém.
The territories of agrarian reform in the Island of Mosqueiro (Mártires de Abril e Paulo Fonteles) and the riparian and quilombola community in the Island of Maracujá, in the borders between the municipalities of Belém and Acará.
Protected areas in the municipality of Santarém which are under pressure to be converted into agrobusiness or urbanised areas: 1) Alter do Chão (village) and 2) Project of the Agroextractivist Settlement Eixo Forte.
In Minas Gerais we work in the following areas:
The Metropolitan Region of Belo Horizonte (RMBH) and its multiple traditional peoples and quilombola communities.
The Xakriabá Territory situated in northern Minas Gerais