WG Systematisation of the Monitoring and Counter-Cartographies' Experiences
The Working Group (WG) Systematisation of the Monitoring and Counter-Cartographies' Experiences had as its main objective to provide spaces for reflection on the experience conducted and lived by the Xakriabá in Community Monitoring, as well as enabling spaces for exchange and collaboration between non-indigenous and indigenous people. For this purpose, this working group was divided in three workshops: 1) Workshop of Systematisation of the Monitoring and Production of Materials' Experiences ; 2) Workshop of Consultation to the Database ; 3) Workshop of Map Production. The first workshop focused on strategies that mobilised broader reflections on the research and data production process carried out by the Xakriabá during monitoring, as well as on the systematisation and production of materials. The second and third workshops sought to enable spaces for indigenous people to appropriate tools used in academic spaces, for data analysis such as those they produced.