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GT Economia_crianças desenhando_créditos Edvaldo Xakriabá.jpg

Children drawing the village to represent important matters for the economy and management of the territory. Credits: Edvaldo Xakriabá, 2021.

The activities resulted in the production of drawings, photos, videos, narratives and also the recording of synchronous conversations. In the last meetings, a synthesis of the materials of the discussions (table and thematic posters) was developed in a collaborative way. This material, also worked on in the Map Production Workshop, focuses on proposals for the future of the TIX, thus foreseeing its forwarding to local leaders and wide circulation within the TIX. Integrated with the posters, thematic videos are being produced with photos and drawings shared by the participants of the WG, aiming to portray the reality in the TIX, as well as indicating the potential that supports the proposals to be taken to the broad discussion of the leaders.

GT Economia_desenho mapa_créditos Edvaldo Xakriabá.jpg
GT Economia_desenho mapa_créditos Valdirene Xakriabá.jpg
GT Economia_desenho_créditos Celma Xakriabá.jpg

Results of the WG, produced by the children. Credits: Edvaldo Xakriabá, 2021.


WG Management of the Territory and Economy

The Management of the Territory and Economy WG was conducted through three different interaction formats: synchronous online meetings, posts by participants in the virtual classroom (Google Classroom) and discussions and sharing of images and videos in the WhatsApp group composed by all members of the GT. The activities addressed conditions in the Xakriabá Indigenous Land (TIX) referring to: availability of water; mobility (internal and external); production (agricultural, handicraft, artefacts, etc.); consumption (internal and external) and trade and services in the TIX. Within these themes, the activities occurred in three stages: the first dealing with the realities experienced in the past of TIX (last 15 years), the second dealing with the challenges and achievements of the present moment, and, finally, the trends and proposals for the future.  

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