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Group in Contagem 

This group lives among factories and distributors close to CEASA in Contagem. The families have already been through Ibirité, Belo Horizonte and Esmeraldas. They are separated from the Kamakã Grayra: they are from the Pataxós Hã-Hã-Hã group, from the region of Aldeia Caramuru – Bahia, and are not beneficiaries of public policies. They are currently accompanied by Katorã, by the indigenous Merongue and by the Minas Gerais Support Committee for Indigenous Causes

Eliana Silva Occupation

The Kamakã Group that lives in the urban occupation Eliana Silva, in Belo Horizonte, in the Barreiro region. They also live dispersed in Vila Corumbiara, Ibirité and in the Municipality of Ribeirão das Neves, and are accompanied by Katorã and the Minas Gerais Support Committee for Indigenous Causes.


Source: Eni Carajá and Adriana Fernandes Carajá

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