Quilombola Communities in the RMBH
The identified communities were Arturos, Irmandade Nossa Senhora Do Rosário, Luízes, Mangueiras, Marinhos, Ngunzo Kaiango, Pinhões, Rodrigues, Sapé and Vila Teixeira Soares (Quilombo Souza). This was a preliminary survey and does not intend to exhaust the diversity or all existing communities in the region. Information was taken from different sources.
The black community Arturos descends from Camilo Silvério da Silva who, in the mid-19th century, arrived in Brazil on a slave ship from Angola. [...] Today, in its fourth generation, 80 families, about 500 people, are part of the community. The community offers a portrait of the cultural identity and traditions of black Africans brought to Brazil during the slavery period, as well as the miscegenation with Portuguese culture, which gave rise to a syncretism that is sometimes celebrated in isolation, sometimes in the company of the communities that live around you.
Source: Arturos' Black Community, Contagem municipality.
Available in: <http://www.contagem.mg.gov.br/?es=patrimonio_historico&artigo=586594>. Accessed: 27/04/2021
Nossa Senhora do Rosário Brotherhood
The Brotherhood of Nossa Senhora do Rosário, with 126 years of existence in Ribeirão das Neves, remains a pillar of resistance of the black people in the municipality. Constituting an identity matrix of fundamental importance for Afro-descendants. Having the celebration in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary as its main symbol of resistance.
Source: Quilombo de Nossa Senhora do Rosário, Museus BR.
Available in: <http://museus.cultura.gov.br/espaco/9747/>. Accessed: 27/04/2021
The history of the community and its territory, obtained through purchase or donation, dates back to 1895, a period in which the construction of Belo Horizonte began, which highlights the link between the stories of Luízes and the municipality itself. The quilombo is currently formed by descendants from the fourth to the seventh generation of the couple Maria Luiza Luiza (1886 – 1971) and Vitalino. In the land of about 2,300 m² there are 30 houses, where 80 people live.
Source: Quilombolas communities of Belo Horizonte become municipal cultural heritage, CEDEFES, 2017.
Available in: <https://www.cedefes.org.br/comunidades-quilombolas-de-belo-horizonte-viram-patrimonio-cultural-municipal/>. Accessed: 27/04/2021
The first residents of the region were probably blacks who worked in the regions of Sabará and Santa Luzia, neighboring cities that developed in the 18th century with gold mining. The land on which they live was donated by the Werneck family, in 1932, to the group's matriarch, Dona Maria Bárbara. Maria Bárbara's family worked on the farm and had the land ceded by the farmers. The community has already been recognized as a quilombola by the Palmares Cultural Foundation. There is a process in progress at Incra for the regularization of their lands. [...] There are 16 houses in Mangueiras, with approximately 20 families and 65 people.
Source: Mangueiras, CEDEFES, 2010.
Available in: <https://www.cedefes.org.br/projetos_realizados-51/ >. Accessed: 27/04/2021
The Marinhos quilombola community is characterized by the hospitality of its residents and by its Afro-descendant customs and traditions.
Source: Igreja De Nossa Senhora Da Conceição (Marinhos), Visit Brumadinho.
Available in: <https://visite.brumadinho.mg.gov.br/descubra-brumadinho/CULTURA/51/>. Accessed: 27/04/21.
Ngunzo Kaiango
The Manzo Ngunzo Kaiango Community, self-referred to as a quilombola, was founded in the 1970s by Mãe Efigênia. It supports specific social and cultural practices, based mainly on the religiosity of an African matrix, which is shared among its members. The Community has its inseparable identity and territory, and the terreiro is perceived and experienced as the vital center of the group. It forms a differentiated culture and its own social organization, which constitute Afro-Brazilian cultural heritage. In October 2018, the Manzo Ngunzo Kaiango Quilombola Community was registered as a Cultural Heritage of the state of Minas Gerais, in the places category.
Webpage: http://www.kilombomanzo.org/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KilomboManzoKaiango/
Source: Comunidade Manzo Ngunzo Kaiango, IEPHA Minas Gerais.
Available in <http://www.iepha.mg.gov.br/index.php/programas-e-acoes/patrimonio-cultural-protegido/bens-registrados/details/2/7/bens-registrados-comunidade-quilombola-manzo-ngunzo-kaiango>. Accessed: 27/04/2021
Pine nuts
According to district residents, there are approximately 380 families in the area. The houses are distributed around the church of Nossa Senhora do Rosário and the main street, which connects the center to the highway that leads to the city of Jaboticatubas. [...] The name “Pinhão” was given by the old inhabitants, due to the abundance of a tree that produces a fruit called pine nuts. [...] The practice of blessing is very common among residents, but the activity of midwives ceased due to modernity and access to medical care.
Source: Pinhões, CEDEFES, 2010.
Available at: <https://www.cedefes.org.br/projetos_realizados-36/>. Accessed: 27/04/2021
Located in the District of São José do Paraopeba, municipality of Brumadinho in Minas Gerais, close to Aranha and the quilombola communities of Marinhos and Sapé, with which it maintains a good relationship. [...] Previously called Ponte de Pedra, this community had its name changed to Ribeirão due to the river that borders it. In the past, there was a bridge there that allowed access to land. The Ribeirão was both a source of water that supplied the community and a place where women washed clothes, singing as they performed such an act. Today, however, clothes are no longer washed in the river and everyone has an artesian well for drinking water.
Source: Characterisation of the Quilombola Community of Ribeirão (Municipality of Brumadinho – MG), iBase, 2012.
The quilombola community of Rodrigues is located on an old farm. [...] The farm belonged to two brothers: José and João Rodrigues. The oldest residents of the community remained on the land after the end of the farm, while others came from Quilombo do Sapé and São José do Paraopeba. The first families are: the Justino, the Souza and the Marques.
Source: Participatory Social Diagnosis of the Quilombola Community of Rodrigues, Municipality of Brumadinho - MG, iBase, 2011.
The occupation of the region would have arisen when the plantation owner and slave owner Jacinto Gomes do Carmo, donated a small property to his former slave João Borges. After some time, other blacks from the region went to live nearby in houses made of wattle and daub and thatch, hence the origin of the name “sapé”, thus giving rise to the quilombo. With a rich Afro-Brazilian culture, the communities that make up Quilombo do Sapé keep their traditions and customs alive and active, making the location a symbol of Afro-Brazilian culture and memory still preserved in Brumadinho.
Source: Historical Site Quilombo of Sapé, Minas Gerais.
Available in: <https://www.minasgerais.com.br/pt/atracoes/brumadinho/sitio-historico-quilombo-do-sape>. Accessed: 27/04/2021
Vila Teixeira Soares (Quilombo Souza)
Vila Teixeira Soares, also known as Quilombo Souza, is a plot of land in the Santa Tereza neighborhood where there are 14 houses occupied by 33 people descendants of the couple Petronillo de Souza and Elisa de Souza. According to the document Carrying out Study for the Kilombo Souza Family Registration Dossier (REKFS, 2020), Petronillo was born in 1879 in Além Paraíba, MG, and married Elisa in 1902. The couple migrated to Belo Horizonte in 1910 and in 1923 , the property where the quilombo is located was acquired. In November 2020, the land was registered as a quilombo by the city of Belo Horizonte.
Source: Quilombo Souza is registered as cultural imaterial heritage of BH, 2020.
Available in: <https://prefeitura.pbh.gov.br/noticias/quilombo-souza-e-registrado-como-patrimonio-cultural-imaterial-de-bh> Accessed: 29/04/2021