Family Tree of the Minas Gerais' Carajá
Source: Eni Carajá, 2021.
This indigenous group also converges with the Pataxó Hã Hã Hãe Ethnic group – Kariri Sapuyá of origin in Jequié, Bahia, giving ethnic multiplicity to the Eni Carajá Filho leadership family, and bringing different tones that are found when dealing with indigenous ethnology, issues anthropological, social sciences and art. The group includes university students in Pedagogy, Electronic Engineering, Mechanics, Fine Arts, Anthropology, Biological Sciences, and graduates in Nursing, Technicians, Psychologist.
They look for support to consolidate their notarial records, so that they are socially able to become partners in the various socio-actions.
They discovered artistic and musical affinities among themselves and have been developing this rise of their vocation and its indigenous interrelationship.
Source: Eni Carajá and Adriana Fernandes Carajá

Eni Carajá. Source: Eni Carajá, 2021.

Meeting of the Minas Gerais' Carajá Community . Source: Eni Carajá, 2021

This Carajá group originated from the full expulsion of indigenous people in Tocantins (formerly Mato Grosso/Goiás). Its leader, who left as a child after witnessing the massacre of his parents and other indigenous peoples, made a journey of urbanity and as an adult started a family in the northern axis of Minas Gerais and in its capital. Today this family consists of 120 people living in the RMBH. There are six indigenous men and three indigenous women composing this branch and they do not use specific traditional clothing due to survival strategies. They have been in the capital since 1955 and have always been denied the indigenous existence, even being part of urban struggles in the Bairro Cabana region and other locations in the Capital and Municipalities of the Region. They organised themselves into a community and meet for their ethnic conversations, what with the facilitation of electronic media became more frequent.